Berkey Biofilm Drops™
*The Berkey Biofilm Drops™are made in the USA
- Berkey Biofilm Drops™ are used for storing and maintaining pure, fresh water
- Scientifically engineered and patented Copper-Silver Ion solution in the defense of biofilm related bacteria in ceramic water filters, carbon (charcoal filters) and water storage containers
- Especially formulated for use in harvested rainwater containers, long term storage water containers and for use in emergency preparedness and disaster relief
- May be used with any type of filter media but works best with Black Berkey® Purification Elements
- Extends the shelf life of water being stored for up to 5 years
- Extends the time between element cleanings
- Eliminates the need to rotate stored water every six months and keeps your water fresh-tasting and odor-free
- Simple and easy to use
- Claims are based on independent testing and peer reviewed scientific research and have not been reviewed or evaluated or approved by the EPA
Berkey BioFilm Drops have been scientifically engineered for use in the defense of biofilm formation in ceramic water filters, carbon (charcoal) filters, and water storage containers.
Use Berkey Biofilm Drops to extend the shelf life of water being stored for up to 5 years. Using Berkey Biofilm Drops eliminates the need to rotate your stored water every 6 months and keeps your water fresh tasting and odor free.
You can test for residual ions in the water being stored by using the test kit enclosed with the drops. Berkey Biofilm Drops are a scientifically engineered and patented Copper-Silver ion solution that is safe and user friendly.
With 10 + years of development and testing behind the technology, Berkey Biofilm Drops are designed as a pre-treatment to defend against microbiological growth and control of biofilm buildup in filters and water storage containers.
Berkey Biofilm Drops may be used with any type of filter media and work especially well with the Black Berkey purification elements.
Biofilm is a substance that forms readily in water filters, water distribution lines, water storage tanks, and any other aqueous environments. Biofilms form when bacteria begin to excrete a slimy, sticky substance that allows them to adhere to surfaces.
The biofilm mass can consist of multiple species of bacteria, and may include fungi, algae, and protozoa. Various scientific studies have demonstrated that up to 99% of bacteria do not actually live in the water; they live in the bio-film (a living environment and culture medium for bacteria), leaving only 1% of bacteria that actually live in the water.
It is only these free floating bacteria that are destroyed with traditional sanitizers such as chlorine, and bromine.
Berkey Biofilm Drops work by incorporating multiple barrier processes for inhibiting the growth and regrowth of biofilms, utilizing natural mineral ions of copper and silver in an ion technology along with other additives and complexants to synergistically aid in the control and precipitation of calcium, iron, minerals and scale where biofilm bacteria attach, form, feed and breed.
Berkey Biofilm Drops are simple to use and especially formulated for use in harvested rainwater containers, long term storage water containers, and for use in emergency preparedness and disaster relief.

When storing water for future use, what is the life span using the Berkey Biofilm Drops™?
For storing water long term add 4 drops per gallon of water being stored. Use the enclosed 10 mL (1/3 ounce vial) for measuring. One vial treats 55 gallons. It is recommended that you change out your stored water once every 5 years. Berkey Biofilm Drops™ remain active in water being stored for years and Berkey Biofilm Test Drops™ can be used for testing residual levels of the Berkey Biofilm Drops™. Berkey Biofilm Drops™ have an indefinite shelf-life as long as you don’t freeze them
When the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ are added to water being stored, will temperature affect the storage time?
When the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ are added to water being stored, heat or cold will not affect the efficacy of the drops.
What are the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ made of?
Berkey Biofilm Drops™ are a patented process that are made of all pharmaceutical or food grade ingredients that are listed by the FDA as safe for human consumption. As with any supplements please follow dosage instructions and do not overdose
What is the purpose of adding the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ to a Berkey® system and what are the benefits?
The purpose of adding Berkey Biofilm Drops™ to your Berkey® system is to prevent the potential growth of biofilm within the element media, which will prolong the life of your elements. Berkey Biofilm Drops™ will also help prevent potential slime (algae) growth in your tank. Using the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ will impregnate the Berkey® elements with copper, silver ions. Use no more than 4 drops per gallon of water. If you are using tap water add 2 drops per gallon once every week or two. You do not need to add the drops each time you are filling your Berkey® system with water.
If your Berkey® System is being used to filter contaminated waters such as lake, stream or river water, it is recommended that you add 4 drops per gallon of water being filtered. Further, if you are using contaminated water such as lake or stream water it is recommended to use the drops each time you fill your Berkey® system. If you are using municipal tap water it is recommended to add the drops once every week or two. This will retard or prevent the potential growth of Biofilms and prolong the life of your elements.
The instructions that come with the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ state: “It is significant to note that these levels are below the EPAs Maximum Allowed Levels (MAL) of 1.33 ppm and the World Health Organizations (WHO) of 2.0 ppm.” What do these levels refer to?
The levels refer specifically to copper. Please note that if you put fish in water treated with Berkey Biofilm Drops™, it is important to check first to see if the type of fish you have are sensitive to copper; as some fish may have a sensitivity.
Are the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ Made in the USA?
I received the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ and the bottles are not sealed. Is this OK?
The box in which the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ are shipped is sealed at the point of manufacturing and assembly.
What are the Berkey Biofilm Drops™ made of?
The Berkey Biofilm Drops™ are made up of the following ingredients:
Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate – 2.5%
Water – 96.5%
Silver Nitrate, Complexants & Stabilizers – <1%
Good product