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Berkey PF-2 Fluoride Arsenic Reduction Elements

(9 customer reviews)

Original price was: $189.99.Current price is: $149.99.



Before $189.99, NOW ON SALE = $149.99

Sold in a set, 1 Set = 2 Filters



The Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Filters attach to the bottom of the Black Berkey® Filter Elements, and hang down inside the lower chamber of your Berkey System, removing even more harmful chemicals such as fluoride, and arsenic.

The number of PF-2™ Fluoride & Arsenic Filter in the bottom chamber must match the number of Black Berkey® Elements in the top chamber; for example, 4 Black Berkey® Elements would require 4 PF-2™ Fluoride & Arsenic Filters



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Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride Arsenic Reduction Elements


*The PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Filters are made and assembled in the USA

  • The Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements adsorb the following unwanted elements found in drinking water:
    • Fluoride: Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Fluorosilicate, Fluorosilicic Acid (aka Hydrofluorosilic Acid)
    • Arsenic: V and pre-oxidized Arsenic III
    • Other residual heavy metal ions
  • Made from safe, non-leaching Polypropolene #5 that is BPA-free
  • Sold in a set of 2
  • Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements are designed to be used in conjunction with the Black Berkey® Purification Elements only (will not work with the berkey earth/ceramic filters)
  • Attach to the bottom of the Black Berkey® Purification Elements and sit in the lower chamber of the Berkey unit
  • Number of Berkey PF-2™ Elements in the bottom chamber must match the number of Black Berkey® Purification Elements in the top chamber; for example, 4 Black Berkey® Purification Elements would require 4 PF-2 Filters
  • Set of 2 Berkey PF-2™ Elements need replacement after 1000 gallons of use
  • The Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements are covered under a six month warranty



Testing for fluoride was based on 20-30ppm of the ion in the influent aqueous solution at a flow rate of no more than 3 gpm (11 lpm) per cubic foot of media.

  • PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filtration results of < 1ppm of the fluoride ion in the effluent were typical for the media. >95% reduction
  • Under optimum conditions, effluent concentrations of less than 50 ppb were readily achieved; >99.75% reduction
  • Sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, and fluorosilicic acid (aka hydrofluorosilicic acid) all dissociate (breakdown) to fluoride, sodium, and silicate ions once added to water.
  • This PF-2 media filters any type of inorganic fluoride salt ions that are added to the water.
  • More Details on Fluoride/Arsenic Filter Testing and Media Specifications


This product uniquely targets the entire family of arsenic oxide anions as well as the arsenic cations.


Under normal conditions it is recommended that each set of two PF-2 elements be replaced after 1,000 gallons (3,785 liters). The Royal Berkey system is about 3.25 gallons (12.3 liters) therefore the PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters should be replaced after 1,000/3.25 (3,785/12.3) or 307 refills. If the system is refilled about one time per day, the PF-2’s should be replaced after 10 months, if the system is refilled about twice per day, the PF-2’s arsenic and fluoride water filters should be replaced about every five months). Actual capacity is dependent on the presence of other competing contaminants in the source water. High levels of fluoride, arsenic and heavy metals may reduce the capacity and efficiency of the elements.


PF-2 Filter NOTES:

  1. Do not boil this element.
  2. PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters reduce filtration flow rate by 15-20%.
  3. The media used in the PF-2 filter elements contains high-grade activated aluminum oxide, which currently is the most efficient media available for extracting fluoride from water. Below are the results we obtained when testing the PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters (the water was not pre-filtered through the Black Berkey elements). The reduction over time is due to additional residual process dust being washed free from the PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters as the system is used. To give a scale for comparison purposes we include test results from a national brand toothpaste and water boiled in an aluminum pan.
  4. The PF-2 Fluoride filters will contain a “oily film”. It can take up to 10 full system flushes before this film dissipates. For anyone having this issue, please run a few more flushes through and you should start to see a noticeable improvement.
  • National brand toothpaste 52.878 ppm aluminum
  • Water boiled in an aluminum pan for five minutes: 2.791 ppm aluminum
  • PF2 after conditioning (5 cycles): .178 ppm aluminum
  • PF2 after 10 Cycles: .037 ppm aluminum
  • PF2 after 20 Cycles: .029 ppm aluminum


While the above results indicate that the residual process dust adds a minute amount of aluminum to the water, the Black Berkey purification elements reduce aluminum from the water. We tested water that naturally contained .320ppm aluminum and filtered it through the combination of the Black Berkey and the post conditioned PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters (5 cycles). The results showed a net reduction in aluminum contamination (Raw influent: .320ppm – Effluent after passing through the Black Berkey and PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters: .232ppm). In other words, the Black Berkey elements removed more aluminum from the water than was added by the PF-2 arsenic and fluoride water filters



Berkey PF-2™ Fluoride & Arsenic Reduction Filters Canada


2, 4, 6, 8

customer reviews ( 9 reviews)

  1. fits perfectly under the black filters!

  2. Nice product/filters to remove the chlorine from our tap

  3. Filter works very good

  4. must have if you have chlorine in your water source!

  5. I bought this for my husband for Christmas. He loves his crown berkey but doesn’t have the bottom chamber filters. Hope he likes them!

  6. great, i live in lethbridge so i deff needed these!

  7. Works well for filter and works about one year for us as its suppose to

  8. Shipping was fast! highly recommend

  9. Came early! thanks hate the taste of fluoride in water

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